2008년 3월 29일 토요일


This week , we learned WWW(world-wide web)

People make media and then media make people

Tim verners-lee
-senior research scientist, laboratory for computer science (lcs), mit
3com founders chair, lcs, mit;
director of the world-wide web consortium
WWW(World-Wide Web)
1 .a collaboratively authored hypertext
2. it is a standard
3.the www is a vast, heterogeneous network of people and machines
developed to be a pool of human knowledge,
which would allow collaborators in remote sites to share their ideas
and all aspects of a common project

•writing standards is a process of collaborative writing
•the practical politics of classifying and standardizing:
–arriving at categories and standards,
–deciding what will be visible/invisible within the system

*this research fund many state (example:CERN, DARPA etc.)
*the economics of the work=the economics of standards

IOS(international standards organization)
a network of national standards
following principles
1.Consensus: The views of all interests are taken into account: manufacturers, vendors and users, consumer groups, testing laboratories, governments, engineering professions and research organizations.
2.Industry-wide: Global solutions to satisfy industries and customers worldwide.
3.Voluntary: International standardization is market-driven and therefore based on voluntary involvement of all interests in the market-place.

IETF(internet engineering task force)
a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the
RFC(request for comments)
the official publication channel for Internet standards documents and Internet community.

URI (universal resource identifier)
•protocol : http, ftp, mailto,
•scheme : path (server/directory/file after :)
•urn : in a specific name, a specific resource

html(hypertext markup language)
•try [view] --> [source] in your web browser

http(hypertext transfer protocol)
*http is an internet protocol designed for transferring information for hypertext documents.

2008년 3월 22일 토요일


two key point

1.when a medium is new, it is often used to simulate old media
2.New media do not replace old media,they displace them

*Hypertext: new forms of writing,readin and thinking (way in digital media)
Tristan Tzara's recipe for composing a poem also has hypertext tendency
this recipe is choose an article and cut out each of the words
and take out the scraps one after the other and copy conscientiously
then many article is one poem

another example is "cut-ups"
this is part of program
they have code and collect randomly

* engelbart
"firsts" for the augmentation research center
-nls demo
the public debut of the computer mouse,hypertext, objecy addressing
and dynamic file linking,shared-screen collaboration,communicating over a network
with audio and video interface
Invented mouse, e-mail system, window, word processor
What a awesome people Engelbart is.
and When Engelbart invented mouse,
those time people didn't know mouse is what a excellet invention.
I thinks it inconveniently
workstations for network and communications for the collaboration
between individuals
+the strongest rhetoric in new media
engelbart's framework made the uses of the system difficult to undestand
personal computer involved in computer-supported cooperative work
note & file system
general references to pstchology,computer programming,industrial engineering,
management science, systems analysis, information retrieval
all of the prior work is only vaguely referenced
-narrative strategies
graphic vision
reporting style personal reflection speculative voice
-engelbart come up with H-LAM/T system
interacted Human & machine

This week , I know Hypertext
I learn and learn, I think "interact"
I know importance of personality

2008년 3월 15일 토요일


This week, I learn technology that embody economic, social, political and so on
and learn connect&seperate . I see examples that egg,car connect&seperate
first time I don't know what do mean, but that is various thing (art, transfer)
"Computer technology" is so interested(many different material forms)


I read "as we may think"
this journal explain "memex"
"memex " means that a lot of infomations compress small thing
and we founding easy, simple

Yet I don't understand "technology"
so you don't understand my diary
but I learn so far

*배운것을 뭐라고 영어로 표현할지 아직 미숙합니다;
그래서 하려는 말을 영어로 쓸 수가 없어서 이 밑에 한글로 쓰겠습니다;;

03.12 테크놀로지는 상호작용하는 것과 어떤 사물에 대한 연결과 분리를 보고 미디어를 이해하는 것을 배웠다. 계란의 흰자가 물감으로 쓰이는것, 차가 한장소에서 한장소로 가는것이 목적인것 등 많은 예가 있다. 내가 이해하기로는.... 테크놀로지가 이처럼 하나에 국한되는게 아니라
다양하게 긴밀하게 연결되있는 복합체라는 것이다.
03.14 Bush "as you may think"를 읽고,수업
bush는 현재상황에 빗대어 미래를 이야기하고 있다. 방대한 자료를 압축하여 원하는 정보를
한번에 찾아볼 수 있도록 하는 memex의 대한 이야기를 볼 수 있다.
이러한 memex는 과학자,남자,여자 등 다양한 사람들이 사용한다.
나는 memex를 1930년대에 생각한 bush가 대단해 보였다.
얼마나 대단한 생각인가 ? 그가 생각한 것은 지금 얼마되지 않은 현재에 와서
이루어지고 있다. 터치스크린, 수많은자료를 책상 크기에 줄이는 것 등..
정말 새로운 생각의 발견이라 할 수 있다.